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Visual Communications

The following guide provides resources on the topic of Visual Communications including books, databases, journals, search terms and external web links.

MLA Citation Style Guide & Resources

Here at AUArts, we use MLA (Modern Language Association) style whenever we're citing our sources in our papers. To help get you started, here are some helpful resources on MLA:

MLA Video

Vossler, Josh. "MLA Citation Style 9th edition." YouTube, uploaded by Hayden Memorial Library, 4 Jun 2021, 

Tutoring and Writing Centre

Tutoring and Writing Centre

The AUArts Tutoring and Writing Centre offers students help and assistance on a number of topics. They are citation experts and can proof-read your papers to ensure you've cited everything correctly. For free!

In addition to citation help, the Tutoring and Writing Centre also offers the following support for students:

  • Brainstorming techniques
  • Organizing / developing ideas
  • Communicating clearly and effectively
  • Editing, proof-reading, and grammar
  • MLA citations and formatting
  • Time management strategies
  • Task organization
  • Coursework clarification
  • Reading comprehension
  • Notetaking and active listening
  • Finding your learning strengths

The Tutors can be found in room 435 and appointments can be booked by emailing