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The following guide provides resources on the topic of Sculpture including books, databases, journals, search terms and external web links.

Journals and Magazines

Sculpture (Washington, D.C.)

A publication of the International Sculpture Center, Sculpture magazine is the essential source of information and dialogue on all forms of contemporary sculpture internationally. You can find our not-to-be missed coverage of contemporary sculptural art – from features, interviews with artists, reviews of current shows and other art criticism, to thought-provoking essays, which also presents exclusive videos, artist projects, and more.

Sculpture Journal (peer-reviewed)

Sculpture Journal is Britain’s foremost scholarly journal devoted to sculpture in all its aspects from prehistory to the present across the globe. It provides an international forum for writers and scholars in the field of sculpture and public commemorative monuments, extending to commissions for contemporary sculpture. First published in 1997, Sculpture Journal offers a keen critical overview and a sound historical base, encouraging contributions of fresh research from new and established names in the field.

Contributions should be original and should not have been previously published in any form, including all forms of electronic publication. 

Espace: Sculpture Magazine

Since December 2013, Espace magazine has been led by André-Louis Paré, a member of the editorial committee since 1994 and a dedicated contributor since 1988. Under his direction, the magazine is beginning a new chapter: given its focus on current trends in art, Espace aims to remain true to its roots as a publication devoted to contemporary sculpture while also continuing to evolve. From the outset, the magazine’s logo has been associated with sculpture. But sculpture refers at times to a conception of art that vastly differs from the array of practices observed in different spaces today; the term might therefore appear restrictive in an artistic sphere that often encompasses a variety of disciplines. To address this issue, the magazine has changed its visual signature: by shifting its emphasis to the notion of space, the new logo promotes diversity in artistic practices related to sculpture, installation and all other forms of spatial art.